
How to Install RealtyPro 2 7

Last updated on Sep 18, 2023 13:21 in Product » RealtyPro
Posted BySheriff

I'm going to be guiding you step by step on how to install the Realty pro Laravel investment application on your hosting (cPanel) account.


Shared or VPS Hosting

PHP 8.1+

Mod Rewrite


JSON encoder


Creating Database

The first step is to prepare your database, assign user and import the database file. Below is a guide on how to create and import the database file


On your Cpanel

1. Locate and open MySQL Database

2. Enter a name for your database and Create Database

3. The next step is to create and connect database user to the database created above.

On the same page, scroll down to MYSQL Users section to create a user for your database, make sure you copy the database user and password somewhere as we are going to need them later.

After successfully creating a database user, the next thing is to assign the user to the database created already.

4. To assign the user, on the same MYSQL Database page, scroll down to Add User to Database section which is next after the MYSQL Users section.


As seen on the image above, select the user and the database created and click on Add button.

5. On the next screen, select All Privileges and click on Make Changes button.


We have successfully created and assigned a user to the database. The next step is to upload the RealtyPro files to the root folder and begin activation.

Please follow the steps below to complete the installation.

Uploading the RealtyPro File

Extract the RealtyPro package file, upload all the files inside the Upload folder to the root folder of your website.

After uploading to your website root folder, you can now begin the activation

Activating RealtyPro

 Open your website URL for example www.example.com

You will see the activation page similar to the image below

Select Fresh, from the Installation type if you are installing the script for the first time


1. Activation Key:

Enter your purchase key from envato in this field.. (here is a guide on how to get envato purchase code)

2. Admin Email: Enter your preferred email to manage the script as an admin

3. Admin Password: Enter your choosen password for the admin user

4. Database User: Enter the database user which you created earlier inside your hosting panel

5. Database Password: Enter the database user password which you created earlier on your hosting panel

6. Database Name: Enter the database name you created above

7. Database Host: This is always "localhost" however, some hosting may provide you with another database server. Please make sure you check with your hosting service provider

Click on ACTIVATE button

Congratulations, the installation is done successfully and you can go ahead to setup smtp for email notification and other Important website settings.

Want to update your existing Installation?

Here is a guide on how to update RealtyPRO

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone